Code Popup Slider Cho Website rất phù hợp cho các bạn muốn hiển thị Đăng ký email hay một thông báo nào đó tới người xem, hôm nay mình sẽ chia sẻ cho các bạn code Popup Slide mà mình thường sử dụng:
Code Popup Slider
Bước 1: Chèn code vào Header
Đầu tiên, các bạn copy đoạn code bên dưới chèn vào trên thẻ </head>
của file header.php
nếu đối với wordpress
<script src=""></script> <script src="./bootstrap.min.js"></script> <script> $(document).ready(function(){ if (!sessionStorage.adModal) { setTimeout(function() { $('#admodal').find('.item').first().addClass('active'); $('#admodal').modal({ backdrop: 'static', keyboard: false }); }, 3000); $('#adCarousel').carousel({ interval: 5000, cycle: true }); $("#buttonSuccess").click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var url = $(this).attr("href"); var win =, '_blank'); $('#admodal').modal('hide'); }) sessionStorage.adModal = 1; } }); </script> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="./bootstrap.min.css"> <style type="text/css"> #admodal .modal-footer { text-align: center; } </style>
Nếu site các bạn đã có jquery ajax thì không cần chèn dòng 1 nữa.
Các bạn có thể chỉnh thời gian hiển thị slider ở dòng 12 và thời gian chạy slider ở dòng 14, bên trên mình đang để thời gian bắt đầu hiển thị slider là sau 3 giây (}, 3000);
), thời gian chuyển mỗi slider là 5 giây (interval: 5000,
Bước 2: Tạo file JS và CSS
Sau đó các bạn tạo 2 file là bootstrap.min.js và bootstrap.min.css
Nội dung file bootstrap.min.css
/*! * Bootstrap v3.3.4 ( * Copyright 2011-2015 Twitter,Inc. * Licensed under MIT ( */ /*! normalize.css v3.0.2 | MIT License | */ html { font-family: sans-serif; -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; -ms-text-size-adjust: 100%; } body { margin: 0; } h1 { margin: .67em 0; font-size: 2em; } button, input, optgroup, select, textarea { margin: 0; font: inherit; color: inherit; } button { overflow: visible; } button, select { text-transform: none; } button, html input[type=button], input[type=reset], input[type=submit] { -webkit-appearance: button; cursor: pointer; } table { border-spacing: 0; border-collapse: collapse; } td, th { padding: 0; } * { -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; } :after, :before { -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; } html { font-size: 10px; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0,0,0,0); } body { font-family: "Helvetica Neue",Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 1.42857143; color: #333; background-color: #fff; } button, input, select, textarea { font-family: inherit; font-size: inherit; line-height: inherit; } .h1, .h2, .h3, .h4, .h5, .h6, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { font-family: inherit; font-weight: 500; line-height: 1.1; color: inherit; } .h1, .h2, .h3, h1, h2, h3 { margin-top: 20px; margin-bottom: 10px; } .h4, .h5, .h6, h4, h5, h6 { margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px; } .h1, h1 { font-size: 36px; } .h5, h5 { font-size: 14px; } table { background-color: transparent; } .btn { display: inline-block; padding: 6px 12px; margin-bottom: 0; font-size: 14px; font-weight: 400; line-height: 1.42857143; text-align: center; white-space: nowrap; vertical-align: middle; -ms-touch-action: manipulation; touch-action: manipulation; cursor: pointer; -webkit-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; -ms-user-select: none; user-select: none; background-image: none; border: 1px solid transparent; border-radius: 4px; } .btn-success { color: #fff; background-color: #5cb85c; border-color: #4cae4c; } .btn-danger { color: #fff; background-color: #d9534f; border-color: #d43f3a; } .fade { opacity: 0; -webkit-transition: opacity .15s linear; -o-transition: opacity .15s linear; transition: opacity .15s linear; } { opacity: 1; } .modal-open { overflow: hidden; } .modal { position: fixed; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; z-index: 1050; display: none; overflow: hidden; -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; outline: 0; } .modal.fade .modal-dialog { -webkit-transition: -webkit-transform .3s ease-out; -o-transition: -o-transform .3s ease-out; transition: transform .3s ease-out; -webkit-transform: translate(0,-25%); -ms-transform: translate(0,-25%); -o-transform: translate(0,-25%); transform: translate(0,-25%); } .modal-dialog { -webkit-transform: translate(0,0); -ms-transform: translate(0,0); -o-transform: translate(0,0); transform: translate(0,0); } .modal-open .modal { overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: auto; } .modal-dialog { position: relative; width: auto; margin: 10px; } .modal-content { position: relative; background-color: #fff; -webkit-background-clip: padding-box; background-clip: padding-box; border: 1px solid #999; border: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,.2); border-radius: 6px; outline: 0; -webkit-box-shadow: 0 3px 9px rgba(0,0,0,.5); box-shadow: 0 3px 9px rgba(0,0,0,.5); } .modal-backdrop { position: fixed; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; z-index: 1040; background-color: #000; } .modal-backdrop.fade { filter: alpha(opacity=0); opacity: 0; } { filter: alpha(opacity=50); opacity: .5; } .modal-body { position: relative; padding: 15px; } .modal-footer { padding: 15px; text-align: right; border-top: 1px solid #e5e5e5; } .modal-scrollbar-measure { position: absolute; top: -9999px; width: 50px; height: 50px; overflow: scroll; } @media (min-width: 768px) { .modal-dialog { width:600px; margin: 30px auto; } .modal-content { -webkit-box-shadow: 0 5px 15px rgba(0,0,0,.5); box-shadow: 0 5px 15px rgba(0,0,0,.5); } } .carousel { position: relative; } .carousel-inner { position:relative; width:100%; overflow:hidden; } .carousel-inner>.item { position:relative; display:none; -webkit-transition:.6s ease-in-out left; -o-transition:.6s ease-in-out left; transition:.6s ease-in-out left; } @media all and (transform-3d), (-webkit-transform-3d) { .carousel-inner>.item { -webkit-transition:-webkit-transform .6s ease-in-out; -o-transition:-o-transform .6s ease-in-out; transition:transform .6s ease-in-out; -webkit-backface-visibility:hidden; backface-visibility:hidden; -webkit-perspective:1000; perspective:1000; } .carousel-inner>, .carousel-inner> { left:0; -webkit-transform:translate3d(100%,0,0); transform:translate3d(100%,0,0); } .carousel-inner>, .carousel-inner>.item.prev { left:0; -webkit-transform:translate3d(-100%,0,0); transform:translate3d(-100%,0,0); } .carousel-inner>, .carousel-inner>, .carousel-inner>.item.prev.right { left:0; -webkit-transform:translate3d(0,0,0); transform:translate3d(0,0,0); } } .carousel-inner>.active, .carousel-inner>.next, .carousel-inner>.prev { display:block; } .carousel-inner>.active { left:0; } .carousel-inner>.next, .carousel-inner>.prev { position:absolute; top:0; width:100%; } .carousel-inner>.next { left:100%; } .carousel-inner>.next.left, .carousel-inner>.prev.right { left:0; } .carousel-inner>.active.left { left:-100%; } .btn-group-vertical>.btn-group:after, .btn-group-vertical>.btn-group:before, .btn-toolbar:after, .btn-toolbar:before, .clearfix:after, .clearfix:before, .container-fluid:after, .container-fluid:before, .container:after, .container:before, .dl-horizontal dd:after, .dl-horizontal dd:before, .form-horizontal .form-group:after, .form-horizontal .form-group:before, .modal-footer:after, .modal-footer:before, .nav:after, .nav:before, .navbar-collapse:after, .navbar-collapse:before, .navbar-header:after, .navbar-header:before, .navbar:after, .navbar:before, .pager:after, .pager:before, .panel-body:after, .panel-body:before, .row:after, .row:before { display: table; content: " "; } .btn-group-vertical>.btn-group:after, .btn-toolbar:after, .clearfix:after, .container-fluid:after, .container:after, .dl-horizontal dd:after, .form-horizontal .form-group:after, .modal-footer:after, .nav:after, .navbar-collapse:after, .navbar-header:after, .navbar:after, .pager:after, .panel-body:after, .row:after { clear: both; } .visible-lg, .visible-md, .visible-sm, .visible-xs { display: none !important; }
Đối với website đã có bootstrap thì các bạn có thể lược bỏ các thành phần không cần thiết trong file bootstrap.min.css như: html, body, h1, button…
Nội dung file bootstrap.min.js
/*! * Bootstrap v3.3.4 ( * Copyright 2011-2015 Twitter, Inc. * Licensed under MIT ( */ if ("undefined" == typeof jQuery) throw new Error("Bootstrap's JavaScript requires jQuery"); +function(a) { "use strict"; var b = a.fn.jquery.split(" ")[0].split("."); if (b[0] < 2 && b[1] < 9 || 1 == b[0] && 9 == b[1] && b[2] < 1) throw new Error("Bootstrap's JavaScript requires jQuery version 1.9.1 or higher") }(jQuery), +function(a) { "use strict"; function b() { var a = document.createElement("bootstrap") , b = { WebkitTransition: "webkitTransitionEnd", MozTransition: "transitionend", OTransition: "oTransitionEnd otransitionend", transition: "transitionend" }; for (var c in b) if (void 0 !==[c]) return { end: b[c] }; return !1 } a.fn.emulateTransitionEnd = function(b) { var c = !1 , d = this; a(this).one("bsTransitionEnd", function() { c = !0 }); var e = function() { c || a(d).trigger( }; return setTimeout(e, b), this } , a(function() { = b(), && (a.event.special.bsTransitionEnd = { bindType:, delegateType:, handle: function(b) { return a( ? b.handleObj.handler.apply(this, arguments) : void 0 } }) }) }(jQuery), +function(a) { "use strict"; function b(b) { return this.each(function() { var c = a(this) , e ="bs.alert"); e ||"bs.alert", e = new d(this)), "string" == typeof b && e[b].call(c) }) } var c = '[data-dismiss="alert"]' , d = function(b) { a(b).on("click", c, this.close) }; d.VERSION = "3.3.4", d.TRANSITION_DURATION = 150, d.prototype.close = function(b) { function c() { g.detach().trigger("").remove() } var e = a(this) , f = e.attr("data-target"); f || (f = e.attr("href"), f = f && f.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]*$)/, "")); var g = a(f); b && b.preventDefault(), g.length || (g = e.closest(".alert")), g.trigger(b = a.Event("")), b.isDefaultPrevented() || (g.removeClass("in"), && g.hasClass("fade") ?"bsTransitionEnd", c).emulateTransitionEnd(d.TRANSITION_DURATION) : c()) } ; var e = a.fn.alert; a.fn.alert = b, a.fn.alert.Constructor = d, a.fn.alert.noConflict = function() { return a.fn.alert = e, this } , a(document).on("", c, d.prototype.close) }(jQuery), +function(a) { "use strict"; function b(b) { return this.each(function() { var d = a(this) , e ="bs.button") , f = "object" == typeof b && b; e ||"bs.button", e = new c(this,f)), "toggle" == b ? e.toggle() : b && e.setState(b) }) } var c = function(b, d) { this.$element = a(b), this.options = a.extend({}, c.DEFAULTS, d), this.isLoading = !1 }; c.VERSION = "3.3.4", c.DEFAULTS = { loadingText: "loading..." }, c.prototype.setState = function(b) { var c = "disabled" , d = this.$element , e ="input") ? "val" : "html" , f =; b += "Text", null == f.resetText &&"resetText", d[e]()), setTimeout(a.proxy(function() { d[e](null == f[b] ? this.options[b] : f[b]), "loadingText" == b ? (this.isLoading = !0, d.addClass(c).attr(c, c)) : this.isLoading && (this.isLoading = !1, d.removeClass(c).removeAttr(c)) }, this), 0) } , c.prototype.toggle = function() { var a = !0 , b = this.$element.closest('[data-toggle="buttons"]'); if (b.length) { var c = this.$element.find("input"); "radio" == c.prop("type") && (c.prop("checked") && this.$element.hasClass("active") ? a = !1 : b.find(".active").removeClass("active")), a && c.prop("checked", !this.$element.hasClass("active")).trigger("change") } else this.$element.attr("aria-pressed", !this.$element.hasClass("active")); a && this.$element.toggleClass("active") } ; var d = a.fn.button; a.fn.button = b, a.fn.button.Constructor = c, a.fn.button.noConflict = function() { return a.fn.button = d, this } , a(document).on("", '[data-toggle^="button"]', function(c) { var d = a(; d.hasClass("btn") || (d = d.closest(".btn")),, "toggle"), c.preventDefault() }).on("", '[data-toggle^="button"]', function(b) { a(".btn").toggleClass("focus", /^focus(in)?$/.test(b.type)) }) }(jQuery), +function(a) { "use strict"; function b(b) { return this.each(function() { var d = a(this) , e ="bs.carousel") , f = a.extend({}, c.DEFAULTS,, "object" == typeof b && b) , g = "string" == typeof b ? b : f.slide; e ||"bs.carousel", e = new c(this,f)), "number" == typeof b ? : g ? e[g]() : f.interval && e.pause().cycle() }) } var c = function(b, c) { this.$element = a(b), this.$indicators = this.$element.find(".carousel-indicators"), this.options = c, this.paused = null, this.sliding = null, this.interval = null, this.$active = null, this.$items = null, this.options.keyboard && this.$element.on("", a.proxy(this.keydown, this)), "hover" == this.options.pause && !("ontouchstart"in document.documentElement) && this.$element.on("", a.proxy(this.pause, this)).on("", a.proxy(this.cycle, this)) }; c.VERSION = "3.3.4", c.TRANSITION_DURATION = 600, c.DEFAULTS = { interval: 5e3, pause: "hover", wrap: !0, keyboard: !0 }, c.prototype.keydown = function(a) { if (!/input|textarea/i.test( { switch (a.which) { case 37: this.prev(); break; case 39:; break; default: return } a.preventDefault() } } , c.prototype.cycle = function(b) { return b || (this.paused = !1), this.interval && clearInterval(this.interval), this.options.interval && !this.paused && (this.interval = setInterval(a.proxy(, this), this.options.interval)), this } , c.prototype.getItemIndex = function(a) { return this.$items = a.parent().children(".item"), this.$items.index(a || this.$active) } , c.prototype.getItemForDirection = function(a, b) { var c = this.getItemIndex(b) , d = "prev" == a && 0 === c || "next" == a && c == this.$items.length - 1; if (d && !this.options.wrap) return b; var e = "prev" == a ? -1 : 1 , f = (c + e) % this.$items.length; return this.$items.eq(f) } , = function(a) { var b = this , c = this.getItemIndex(this.$active = this.$element.find("")); return a > this.$items.length - 1 || 0 > a ? void 0 : this.sliding ? this.$"", function() { }) : c == a ? this.pause().cycle() : this.slide(a > c ? "next" : "prev", this.$items.eq(a)) } , c.prototype.pause = function(b) { return b || (this.paused = !0), this.$element.find(".next, .prev").length && && (this.$element.trigger(, this.cycle(!0)), this.interval = clearInterval(this.interval), this } , = function() { return this.sliding ? void 0 : this.slide("next") } , c.prototype.prev = function() { return this.sliding ? void 0 : this.slide("prev") } , c.prototype.slide = function(b, d) { var e = this.$element.find("") , f = d || this.getItemForDirection(b, e) , g = this.interval , h = "next" == b ? "left" : "right" , i = this; if (f.hasClass("active")) return this.sliding = !1; var j = f[0] , k = a.Event("", { relatedTarget: j, direction: h }); if (this.$element.trigger(k), !k.isDefaultPrevented()) { if (this.sliding = !0, g && this.pause(), this.$indicators.length) { this.$indicators.find(".active").removeClass("active"); var l = a(this.$indicators.children()[this.getItemIndex(f)]); l && l.addClass("active") } var m = a.Event("", { relatedTarget: j, direction: h }); return && this.$element.hasClass("slide") ? (f.addClass(b), f[0].offsetWidth, e.addClass(h), f.addClass(h),"bsTransitionEnd", function() { f.removeClass([b, h].join(" ")).addClass("active"), e.removeClass(["active", h].join(" ")), i.sliding = !1, setTimeout(function() { i.$element.trigger(m) }, 0) }).emulateTransitionEnd(c.TRANSITION_DURATION)) : (e.removeClass("active"), f.addClass("active"), this.sliding = !1, this.$element.trigger(m)), g && this.cycle(), this } } ; var d = a.fn.carousel; a.fn.carousel = b, a.fn.carousel.Constructor = c, a.fn.carousel.noConflict = function() { return a.fn.carousel = d, this } ; var e = function(c) { var d, e = a(this), f = a(e.attr("data-target") || (d = e.attr("href")) && d.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]+$)/, "")); if (f.hasClass("carousel")) { var g = a.extend({},, , h = e.attr("data-slide-to"); h && (g.interval = !1),, g), h &&"bs.carousel").to(h), c.preventDefault() } }; a(document).on("", "[data-slide]", e).on("", "[data-slide-to]", e), a(window).on("load", function() { a('[data-ride="carousel"]').each(function() { var c = a(this);, }) }) }(jQuery), +function(a) { "use strict"; function b(b) { var c, d = b.attr("data-target") || (c = b.attr("href")) && c.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]+$)/, ""); return a(d) } function c(b) { return this.each(function() { var c = a(this) , e ="bs.collapse") , f = a.extend({}, d.DEFAULTS,, "object" == typeof b && b); !e && f.toggle && /show|hide/.test(b) && (f.toggle = !1), e ||"bs.collapse", e = new d(this,f)), "string" == typeof b && e[b]() }) } var d = function(b, c) { this.$element = a(b), this.options = a.extend({}, d.DEFAULTS, c), this.$trigger = a('[data-toggle="collapse"][href="#' + + '"],[data-toggle="collapse"][data-target="#' + + '"]'), this.transitioning = null, this.options.parent ? this.$parent = this.getParent() : this.addAriaAndCollapsedClass(this.$element, this.$trigger), this.options.toggle && this.toggle() }; d.VERSION = "3.3.4", d.TRANSITION_DURATION = 350, d.DEFAULTS = { toggle: !0 }, d.prototype.dimension = function() { var a = this.$element.hasClass("width"); return a ? "width" : "height" } , = function() { if (!this.transitioning && !this.$element.hasClass("in")) { var b, e = this.$parent && this.$parent.children(".panel").children(".in, .collapsing"); if (!(e && e.length && (b ="bs.collapse"), b && b.transitioning))) { var f = a.Event(""); if (this.$element.trigger(f), !f.isDefaultPrevented()) { e && e.length && (, "hide"), b ||"bs.collapse", null)); var g = this.dimension(); this.$element.removeClass("collapse").addClass("collapsing")[g](0).attr("aria-expanded", !0), this.$trigger.removeClass("collapsed").attr("aria-expanded", !0), this.transitioning = 1; var h = function() { this.$element.removeClass("collapsing").addClass("collapse in")[g](""), this.transitioning = 0, this.$element.trigger("") }; if (! return; var i = a.camelCase(["scroll", g].join("-")); this.$"bsTransitionEnd", a.proxy(h, this)).emulateTransitionEnd(d.TRANSITION_DURATION)[g](this.$element[0][i]) } } } } , d.prototype.hide = function() { if (!this.transitioning && this.$element.hasClass("in")) { var b = a.Event(""); if (this.$element.trigger(b), !b.isDefaultPrevented()) { var c = this.dimension(); this.$element[c](this.$element[c]())[0].offsetHeight, this.$element.addClass("collapsing").removeClass("collapse in").attr("aria-expanded", !1), this.$trigger.addClass("collapsed").attr("aria-expanded", !1), this.transitioning = 1; var e = function() { this.transitioning = 0, this.$element.removeClass("collapsing").addClass("collapse").trigger("") }; return ? void this.$element[c](0).one("bsTransitionEnd", a.proxy(e, this)).emulateTransitionEnd(d.TRANSITION_DURATION) : } } } , d.prototype.toggle = function() { this[this.$element.hasClass("in") ? "hide" : "show"]() } , d.prototype.getParent = function() { return a(this.options.parent).find('[data-toggle="collapse"][data-parent="' + this.options.parent + '"]').each(a.proxy(function(c, d) { var e = a(d); this.addAriaAndCollapsedClass(b(e), e) }, this)).end() } , d.prototype.addAriaAndCollapsedClass = function(a, b) { var c = a.hasClass("in"); a.attr("aria-expanded", c), b.toggleClass("collapsed", !c).attr("aria-expanded", c) } ; var e = a.fn.collapse; a.fn.collapse = c, a.fn.collapse.Constructor = d, a.fn.collapse.noConflict = function() { return a.fn.collapse = e, this } , a(document).on("", '[data-toggle="collapse"]', function(d) { var e = a(this); e.attr("data-target") || d.preventDefault(); var f = b(e) , g ="bs.collapse") , h = g ? "toggle" :;, h) }) }(jQuery), +function(a) { "use strict"; function b(b) { b && 3 === b.which || (a(e).remove(), a(f).each(function() { var d = a(this) , e = c(d) , f = { relatedTarget: this }; e.hasClass("open") && (e.trigger(b = a.Event("", f)), b.isDefaultPrevented() || (d.attr("aria-expanded", "false"), e.removeClass("open").trigger("", f))) })) } function c(b) { var c = b.attr("data-target"); c || (c = b.attr("href"), c = c && /#[A-Za-z]/.test(c) && c.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]*$)/, "")); var d = c && a(c); return d && d.length ? d : b.parent() } function d(b) { return this.each(function() { var c = a(this) , d ="bs.dropdown"); d ||"bs.dropdown", d = new g(this)), "string" == typeof b && d[b].call(c) }) } var e = ".dropdown-backdrop" , f = '[data-toggle="dropdown"]' , g = function(b) { a(b).on("", this.toggle) }; g.VERSION = "3.3.4", g.prototype.toggle = function(d) { var e = a(this); if (!".disabled, :disabled")) { var f = c(e) , g = f.hasClass("open"); if (b(), !g) { "ontouchstart"in document.documentElement && !f.closest(".navbar-nav").length && a('<div class="dropdown-backdrop"/>').insertAfter(a(this)).on("click", b); var h = { relatedTarget: this }; if (f.trigger(d = a.Event("", h)), d.isDefaultPrevented()) return; e.trigger("focus").attr("aria-expanded", "true"), f.toggleClass("open").trigger("", h) } return !1 } } , g.prototype.keydown = function(b) { if (/(38|40|27|32)/.test(b.which) && !/input|textarea/i.test( { var d = a(this); if (b.preventDefault(), b.stopPropagation(), !".disabled, :disabled")) { var e = c(d) , g = e.hasClass("open"); if (!g && 27 != b.which || g && 27 == b.which) return 27 == b.which && e.find(f).trigger("focus"), d.trigger("click"); var h = " li:not(.disabled):visible a" , i = e.find('[role="menu"]' + h + ', [role="listbox"]' + h); if (i.length) { var j = i.index(; 38 == b.which && j > 0 && j--, 40 == b.which && j < i.length - 1 && j++, ~j || (j = 0), i.eq(j).trigger("focus") } } } } ; var h = a.fn.dropdown; a.fn.dropdown = d, a.fn.dropdown.Constructor = g, a.fn.dropdown.noConflict = function() { return a.fn.dropdown = h, this } , a(document).on("", b).on("", ".dropdown form", function(a) { a.stopPropagation() }).on("", f, g.prototype.toggle).on("", f, g.prototype.keydown).on("", '[role="menu"]', g.prototype.keydown).on("", '[role="listbox"]', g.prototype.keydown) }(jQuery), +function(a) { "use strict"; function b(b, d) { return this.each(function() { var e = a(this) , f ="bs.modal") , g = a.extend({}, c.DEFAULTS,, "object" == typeof b && b); f ||"bs.modal", f = new c(this,g)), "string" == typeof b ? f[b](d) : && }) } var c = function(b, c) { this.options = c, this.$body = a(document.body), this.$element = a(b), this.$dialog = this.$element.find(".modal-dialog"), this.$backdrop = null, this.isShown = null, this.originalBodyPad = null, this.scrollbarWidth = 0, this.ignoreBackdropClick = !1, this.options.remote && this.$element.find(".modal-content").load(this.options.remote, a.proxy(function() { this.$element.trigger("") }, this)) }; c.VERSION = "3.3.4", c.TRANSITION_DURATION = 300, c.BACKDROP_TRANSITION_DURATION = 150, c.DEFAULTS = { backdrop: !0, keyboard: !0, show: !0 }, c.prototype.toggle = function(a) { return this.isShown ? this.hide() : } , = function(b) { var d = this , e = a.Event("", { relatedTarget: b }); this.$element.trigger(e), this.isShown || e.isDefaultPrevented() || (this.isShown = !0, this.checkScrollbar(), this.setScrollbar(), this.$body.addClass("modal-open"), this.escape(), this.resize(), this.$element.on("", '[data-dismiss="modal"]', a.proxy(this.hide, this)), this.$dialog.on("", function() { d.$"", function(b) { a($element) && (d.ignoreBackdropClick = !0) }) }), this.backdrop(function() { var e = && d.$element.hasClass("fade"); d.$element.parent().length || d.$element.appendTo(d.$body), d.$, d.adjustDialog(), e && d.$element[0].offsetWidth, d.$element.addClass("in").attr("aria-hidden", !1), d.enforceFocus(); var f = a.Event("", { relatedTarget: b }); e ? d.$"bsTransitionEnd", function() { d.$element.trigger("focus").trigger(f) }).emulateTransitionEnd(c.TRANSITION_DURATION) : d.$element.trigger("focus").trigger(f) })) } , c.prototype.hide = function(b) { b && b.preventDefault(), b = a.Event(""), this.$element.trigger(b), this.isShown && !b.isDefaultPrevented() && (this.isShown = !1, this.escape(), this.resize(), a(document).off(""), this.$element.removeClass("in").attr("aria-hidden", !0).off("").off(""), this.$""), && this.$element.hasClass("fade") ? this.$"bsTransitionEnd", a.proxy(this.hideModal, this)).emulateTransitionEnd(c.TRANSITION_DURATION) : this.hideModal()) } , c.prototype.enforceFocus = function() { a(document).off("").on("", a.proxy(function(a) { this.$element[0] === || this.$element.has( || this.$element.trigger("focus") }, this)) } , c.prototype.escape = function() { this.isShown && this.options.keyboard ? this.$element.on("", a.proxy(function(a) { 27 == a.which && this.hide() }, this)) : this.isShown || this.$"") } , c.prototype.resize = function() { this.isShown ? a(window).on("", a.proxy(this.handleUpdate, this)) : a(window).off("") } , c.prototype.hideModal = function() { var a = this; this.$element.hide(), this.backdrop(function() { a.$body.removeClass("modal-open"), a.resetAdjustments(), a.resetScrollbar(), a.$element.trigger("") }) } , c.prototype.removeBackdrop = function() { this.$backdrop && this.$backdrop.remove(), this.$backdrop = null } , c.prototype.backdrop = function(b) { var d = this , e = this.$element.hasClass("fade") ? "fade" : ""; if (this.isShown && this.options.backdrop) { var f = && e; if (this.$backdrop = a('<div class="modal-backdrop ' + e + '" />').appendTo(this.$body), this.$element.on("", a.proxy(function(a) { return this.ignoreBackdropClick ? void (this.ignoreBackdropClick = !1) : void ( === a.currentTarget && ("static" == this.options.backdrop ? this.$element[0].focus() : this.hide())) }, this)), f && this.$backdrop[0].offsetWidth, this.$backdrop.addClass("in"), !b) return; f ? this.$"bsTransitionEnd", b).emulateTransitionEnd(c.BACKDROP_TRANSITION_DURATION) : b() } else if (!this.isShown && this.$backdrop) { this.$backdrop.removeClass("in"); var g = function() { d.removeBackdrop(), b && b() }; && this.$element.hasClass("fade") ? this.$"bsTransitionEnd", g).emulateTransitionEnd(c.BACKDROP_TRANSITION_DURATION) : g() } else b && b() } , c.prototype.handleUpdate = function() { this.adjustDialog() } , c.prototype.adjustDialog = function() { var a = this.$element[0].scrollHeight > document.documentElement.clientHeight; this.$element.css({ paddingLeft: !this.bodyIsOverflowing && a ? this.scrollbarWidth : "", paddingRight: this.bodyIsOverflowing && !a ? this.scrollbarWidth : "" }) } , c.prototype.resetAdjustments = function() { this.$element.css({ paddingLeft: "", paddingRight: "" }) } , c.prototype.checkScrollbar = function() { var a = window.innerWidth; if (!a) { var b = document.documentElement.getBoundingClientRect(); a = b.right - Math.abs(b.left) } this.bodyIsOverflowing = document.body.clientWidth < a, this.scrollbarWidth = this.measureScrollbar() } , c.prototype.setScrollbar = function() { var a = parseInt(this.$body.css("padding-right") || 0, 10); this.originalBodyPad = || "", this.bodyIsOverflowing && this.$body.css("padding-right", a + this.scrollbarWidth) } , c.prototype.resetScrollbar = function() { this.$body.css("padding-right", this.originalBodyPad) } , c.prototype.measureScrollbar = function() { var a = document.createElement("div"); a.className = "modal-scrollbar-measure", this.$body.append(a); var b = a.offsetWidth - a.clientWidth; return this.$body[0].removeChild(a), b } ; var d = a.fn.modal; a.fn.modal = b, a.fn.modal.Constructor = c, a.fn.modal.noConflict = function() { return a.fn.modal = d, this } , a(document).on("", '[data-toggle="modal"]', function(c) { var d = a(this) , e = d.attr("href") , f = a(d.attr("data-target") || e && e.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]+$)/, "")) , g ="bs.modal") ? "toggle" : a.extend({ remote: !/#/.test(e) && e },,;"a") && c.preventDefault(),"", function(a) { a.isDefaultPrevented() ||"", function() {":visible") && d.trigger("focus") }) }),, g, this) }) }(jQuery), +function(a) { "use strict"; function b(b) { return this.each(function() { var d = a(this) , e ="bs.tooltip") , f = "object" == typeof b && b; (e || !/destroy|hide/.test(b)) && (e ||"bs.tooltip", e = new c(this,f)), "string" == typeof b && e[b]()) }) } var c = function(a, b) { this.type = null, this.options = null, this.enabled = null, this.timeout = null, this.hoverState = null, this.$element = null, this.init("tooltip", a, b) }; c.VERSION = "3.3.4", c.TRANSITION_DURATION = 150, c.DEFAULTS = { animation: !0, placement: "top", selector: !1, template: '<div class="tooltip" role="tooltip"><div class="tooltip-arrow"></div><div class="tooltip-inner"></div></div>', trigger: "hover focus", title: "", delay: 0, html: !1, container: !1, viewport: { selector: "body", padding: 0 } }, c.prototype.init = function(b, c, d) { if (this.enabled = !0, this.type = b, this.$element = a(c), this.options = this.getOptions(d), this.$viewport = this.options.viewport && a(this.options.viewport.selector || this.options.viewport), this.$element[0]instanceof document.constructor && !this.options.selector) throw new Error("`selector` option must be specified when initializing " + this.type + " on the window.document object!"); for (var e = this.options.trigger.split(" "), f = e.length; f--; ) { var g = e[f]; if ("click" == g) this.$element.on("click." + this.type, this.options.selector, a.proxy(this.toggle, this)); else if ("manual" != g) { var h = "hover" == g ? "mouseenter" : "focusin" , i = "hover" == g ? "mouseleave" : "focusout"; this.$element.on(h + "." + this.type, this.options.selector, a.proxy(this.enter, this)), this.$element.on(i + "." + this.type, this.options.selector, a.proxy(this.leave, this)) } } this.options.selector ? this._options = a.extend({}, this.options, { trigger: "manual", selector: "" }) : this.fixTitle() } , c.prototype.getDefaults = function() { return c.DEFAULTS } , c.prototype.getOptions = function(b) { return b = a.extend({}, this.getDefaults(), this.$, b), b.delay && "number" == typeof b.delay && (b.delay = { show: b.delay, hide: b.delay }), b } , c.prototype.getDelegateOptions = function() { var b = {} , c = this.getDefaults(); return this._options && a.each(this._options, function(a, d) { c[a] != d && (b[a] = d) }), b } , c.prototype.enter = function(b) { var c = b instanceof this.constructor ? b : a(b.currentTarget).data("bs." + this.type); return c && c.$tip && c.$":visible") ? void (c.hoverState = "in") : (c || (c = new this.constructor(b.currentTarget,this.getDelegateOptions()), a(b.currentTarget).data("bs." + this.type, c)), clearTimeout(c.timeout), c.hoverState = "in", c.options.delay && ? void (c.timeout = setTimeout(function() { "in" == c.hoverState && }, : } , c.prototype.leave = function(b) { var c = b instanceof this.constructor ? b : a(b.currentTarget).data("bs." + this.type); return c || (c = new this.constructor(b.currentTarget,this.getDelegateOptions()), a(b.currentTarget).data("bs." + this.type, c)), clearTimeout(c.timeout), c.hoverState = "out", c.options.delay && c.options.delay.hide ? void (c.timeout = setTimeout(function() { "out" == c.hoverState && c.hide() }, c.options.delay.hide)) : c.hide() } , = function() { var b = a.Event("" + this.type); if (this.hasContent() && this.enabled) { this.$element.trigger(b); var d = a.contains(this.$element[0].ownerDocument.documentElement, this.$element[0]); if (b.isDefaultPrevented() || !d) return; var e = this , f = this.tip() , g = this.getUID(this.type); this.setContent(), f.attr("id", g), this.$element.attr("aria-describedby", g), this.options.animation && f.addClass("fade"); var h = "function" == typeof this.options.placement ?, f[0], this.$element[0]) : this.options.placement , i = /\s?auto?\s?/i , j = i.test(h); j && (h = h.replace(i, "") || "top"), f.detach().css({ top: 0, left: 0, display: "block" }).addClass(h).data("bs." + this.type, this), this.options.container ? f.appendTo(this.options.container) : f.insertAfter(this.$element); var k = this.getPosition() , l = f[0].offsetWidth , m = f[0].offsetHeight; if (j) { var n = h , o = this.options.container ? a(this.options.container) : this.$element.parent() , p = this.getPosition(o); h = "bottom" == h && k.bottom + m > p.bottom ? "top" : "top" == h && - m < ? "bottom" : "right" == h && k.right + l > p.width ? "left" : "left" == h && k.left - l < p.left ? "right" : h, f.removeClass(n).addClass(h) } var q = this.getCalculatedOffset(h, k, l, m); this.applyPlacement(q, h); var r = function() { var a = e.hoverState; e.$element.trigger("" + e.type), e.hoverState = null, "out" == a && e.leave(e) }; && this.$tip.hasClass("fade") ?"bsTransitionEnd", r).emulateTransitionEnd(c.TRANSITION_DURATION) : r() } } , c.prototype.applyPlacement = function(b, c) { var d = this.tip() , e = d[0].offsetWidth , f = d[0].offsetHeight , g = parseInt(d.css("margin-top"), 10) , h = parseInt(d.css("margin-left"), 10); isNaN(g) && (g = 0), isNaN(h) && (h = 0), = + g, b.left = b.left + h, a.offset.setOffset(d[0], a.extend({ using: function(a) { d.css({ top: Math.round(, left: Math.round(a.left) }) } }, b), 0), d.addClass("in"); var i = d[0].offsetWidth , j = d[0].offsetHeight; "top" == c && j != f && ( = + f - j); var k = this.getViewportAdjustedDelta(c, b, i, j); k.left ? b.left += k.left : +=; var l = /top|bottom/.test(c) , m = l ? 2 * k.left - e + i : 2 * - f + j , n = l ? "offsetWidth" : "offsetHeight"; d.offset(b), this.replaceArrow(m, d[0][n], l) } , c.prototype.replaceArrow = function(a, b, c) { this.arrow().css(c ? "left" : "top", 50 * (1 - a / b) + "%").css(c ? "top" : "left", "") } , c.prototype.setContent = function() { var a = this.tip() , b = this.getTitle(); a.find(".tooltip-inner")[this.options.html ? "html" : "text"](b), a.removeClass("fade in top bottom left right") } , c.prototype.hide = function(b) { function d() { "in" != e.hoverState && f.detach(), e.$element.removeAttr("aria-describedby").trigger("" + e.type), b && b() } var e = this , f = a(this.$tip) , g = a.Event("" + this.type); return this.$element.trigger(g), g.isDefaultPrevented() ? void 0 : (f.removeClass("in"), && f.hasClass("fade") ?"bsTransitionEnd", d).emulateTransitionEnd(c.TRANSITION_DURATION) : d(), this.hoverState = null, this) } , c.prototype.fixTitle = function() { var a = this.$element; (a.attr("title") || "string" != typeof a.attr("data-original-title")) && a.attr("data-original-title", a.attr("title") || "").attr("title", "") } , c.prototype.hasContent = function() { return this.getTitle() } , c.prototype.getPosition = function(b) { b = b || this.$element; var c = b[0] , d = "BODY" == c.tagName , e = c.getBoundingClientRect(); null == e.width && (e = a.extend({}, e, { width: e.right - e.left, height: e.bottom - })); var f = d ? { top: 0, left: 0 } : b.offset() , g = { scroll: d ? document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop : b.scrollTop() } , h = d ? { width: a(window).width(), height: a(window).height() } : null; return a.extend({}, e, g, h, f) } , c.prototype.getCalculatedOffset = function(a, b, c, d) { return "bottom" == a ? { top: + b.height, left: b.left + b.width / 2 - c / 2 } : "top" == a ? { top: - d, left: b.left + b.width / 2 - c / 2 } : "left" == a ? { top: + b.height / 2 - d / 2, left: b.left - c } : { top: + b.height / 2 - d / 2, left: b.left + b.width } } , c.prototype.getViewportAdjustedDelta = function(a, b, c, d) { var e = { top: 0, left: 0 }; if (!this.$viewport) return e; var f = this.options.viewport && this.options.viewport.padding || 0 , g = this.getPosition(this.$viewport); if (/right|left/.test(a)) { var h = - f - g.scroll , i = + f - g.scroll + d; h < ? = - h : i > + g.height && ( = + g.height - i) } else { var j = b.left - f , k = b.left + f + c; j < g.left ? e.left = g.left - j : k > g.width && (e.left = g.left + g.width - k) } return e } , c.prototype.getTitle = function() { var a, b = this.$element, c = this.options; return a = b.attr("data-original-title") || ("function" == typeof c.title ?[0]) : c.title) } , c.prototype.getUID = function(a) { do a += ~~(1e6 * Math.random()); while (document.getElementById(a)); return a } , c.prototype.tip = function() { return this.$tip = this.$tip || a(this.options.template) } , c.prototype.arrow = function() { return this.$arrow = this.$arrow || this.tip().find(".tooltip-arrow") } , c.prototype.enable = function() { this.enabled = !0 } , c.prototype.disable = function() { this.enabled = !1 } , c.prototype.toggleEnabled = function() { this.enabled = !this.enabled } , c.prototype.toggle = function(b) { var c = this; b && (c = a(b.currentTarget).data("bs." + this.type), c || (c = new this.constructor(b.currentTarget,this.getDelegateOptions()), a(b.currentTarget).data("bs." + this.type, c))), c.tip().hasClass("in") ? c.leave(c) : c.enter(c) } , c.prototype.destroy = function() { var a = this; clearTimeout(this.timeout), this.hide(function() { a.$"." + a.type).removeData("bs." + a.type) }) } ; var d = a.fn.tooltip; a.fn.tooltip = b, a.fn.tooltip.Constructor = c, a.fn.tooltip.noConflict = function() { return a.fn.tooltip = d, this } }(jQuery), +function(a) { "use strict"; function b(b) { return this.each(function() { var d = a(this) , e ="bs.popover") , f = "object" == typeof b && b; (e || !/destroy|hide/.test(b)) && (e ||"bs.popover", e = new c(this,f)), "string" == typeof b && e[b]()) }) } var c = function(a, b) { this.init("popover", a, b) }; if (!a.fn.tooltip) throw new Error("Popover requires tooltip.js"); c.VERSION = "3.3.4", c.DEFAULTS = a.extend({}, a.fn.tooltip.Constructor.DEFAULTS, { placement: "right", trigger: "click", content: "", template: '<div class="popover" role="tooltip"><div class="arrow"></div><h3 class="popover-title"></h3><div class="popover-content"></div></div>' }), c.prototype = a.extend({}, a.fn.tooltip.Constructor.prototype), c.prototype.constructor = c, c.prototype.getDefaults = function() { return c.DEFAULTS } , c.prototype.setContent = function() { var a = this.tip() , b = this.getTitle() , c = this.getContent(); a.find(".popover-title")[this.options.html ? "html" : "text"](b), a.find(".popover-content").children().detach().end()[this.options.html ? "string" == typeof c ? "html" : "append" : "text"](c), a.removeClass("fade top bottom left right in"), a.find(".popover-title").html() || a.find(".popover-title").hide() } , c.prototype.hasContent = function() { return this.getTitle() || this.getContent() } , c.prototype.getContent = function() { var a = this.$element , b = this.options; return a.attr("data-content") || ("function" == typeof b.content ?[0]) : b.content) } , c.prototype.arrow = function() { return this.$arrow = this.$arrow || this.tip().find(".arrow") } ; var d = a.fn.popover; a.fn.popover = b, a.fn.popover.Constructor = c, a.fn.popover.noConflict = function() { return a.fn.popover = d, this } }(jQuery), +function(a) { "use strict"; function b(c, d) { this.$body = a(document.body), this.$scrollElement = a(a(c).is(document.body) ? window : c), this.options = a.extend({}, b.DEFAULTS, d), this.selector = ( || "") + " .nav li > a", this.offsets = [], this.targets = [], this.activeTarget = null, this.scrollHeight = 0, this.$scrollElement.on("", a.proxy(this.process, this)), this.refresh(), this.process() } function c(c) { return this.each(function() { var d = a(this) , e ="bs.scrollspy") , f = "object" == typeof c && c; e ||"bs.scrollspy", e = new b(this,f)), "string" == typeof c && e[c]() }) } b.VERSION = "3.3.4", b.DEFAULTS = { offset: 10 }, b.prototype.getScrollHeight = function() { return this.$scrollElement[0].scrollHeight || Math.max(this.$body[0].scrollHeight, document.documentElement.scrollHeight) } , b.prototype.refresh = function() { var b = this , c = "offset" , d = 0; this.offsets = [], this.targets = [], this.scrollHeight = this.getScrollHeight(), a.isWindow(this.$scrollElement[0]) || (c = "position", d = this.$scrollElement.scrollTop()), this.$body.find(this.selector).map(function() { var b = a(this) , e ="target") || b.attr("href") , f = /^#./.test(e) && a(e); return f && f.length &&":visible") && [[f[c]().top + d, e]] || null }).sort(function(a, b) { return a[0] - b[0] }).each(function() { b.offsets.push(this[0]), b.targets.push(this[1]) }) } , b.prototype.process = function() { var a, b = this.$scrollElement.scrollTop() + this.options.offset, c = this.getScrollHeight(), d = this.options.offset + c - this.$scrollElement.height(), e = this.offsets, f = this.targets, g = this.activeTarget; if (this.scrollHeight != c && this.refresh(), b >= d) return g != (a = f[f.length - 1]) && this.activate(a); if (g && b < e[0]) return this.activeTarget = null, this.clear(); for (a = e.length; a--; ) g != f[a] && b >= e[a] && (void 0 === e[a + 1] || b < e[a + 1]) && this.activate(f[a]) } , b.prototype.activate = function(b) { this.activeTarget = b, this.clear(); var c = this.selector + '[data-target="' + b + '"],' + this.selector + '[href="' + b + '"]' , d = a(c).parents("li").addClass("active"); d.parent(".dropdown-menu").length && (d = d.closest("li.dropdown").addClass("active")), d.trigger("") } , b.prototype.clear = function() { a(this.selector).parentsUntil(, ".active").removeClass("active") } ; var d = a.fn.scrollspy; a.fn.scrollspy = c, a.fn.scrollspy.Constructor = b, a.fn.scrollspy.noConflict = function() { return a.fn.scrollspy = d, this } , a(window).on("", function() { a('[data-spy="scroll"]').each(function() { var b = a(this);, }) }) }(jQuery), +function(a) { "use strict"; function b(b) { return this.each(function() { var d = a(this) , e =""); e ||"", e = new c(this)), "string" == typeof b && e[b]() }) } var c = function(b) { this.element = a(b) }; c.VERSION = "3.3.4", c.TRANSITION_DURATION = 150, = function() { var b = this.element , c = b.closest("ul:not(.dropdown-menu)") , d ="target"); if (d || (d = b.attr("href"), d = d && d.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]*$)/, "")), !b.parent("li").hasClass("active")) { var e = c.find(".active:last a") , f = a.Event("", { relatedTarget: b[0] }) , g = a.Event("", { relatedTarget: e[0] }); if (e.trigger(f), b.trigger(g), !g.isDefaultPrevented() && !f.isDefaultPrevented()) { var h = a(d); this.activate(b.closest("li"), c), this.activate(h, h.parent(), function() { e.trigger({ type: "", relatedTarget: b[0] }), b.trigger({ type: "", relatedTarget: e[0] }) }) } } } , c.prototype.activate = function(b, d, e) { function f() { g.removeClass("active").find("> .dropdown-menu > .active").removeClass("active").end().find('[data-toggle="tab"]').attr("aria-expanded", !1), b.addClass("active").find('[data-toggle="tab"]').attr("aria-expanded", !0), h ? (b[0].offsetWidth, b.addClass("in")) : b.removeClass("fade"), b.parent(".dropdown-menu").length && b.closest("li.dropdown").addClass("active").end().find('[data-toggle="tab"]').attr("aria-expanded", !0), e && e() } var g = d.find("> .active") , h = e && && (g.length && g.hasClass("fade") || !!d.find("> .fade").length); g.length && h ?"bsTransitionEnd", f).emulateTransitionEnd(c.TRANSITION_DURATION) : f(), g.removeClass("in") } ; var d =; = b, = c, = function() { return = d, this } ; var e = function(c) { c.preventDefault(),, "show") }; a(document).on("", '[data-toggle="tab"]', e).on("", '[data-toggle="pill"]', e) }(jQuery), +function(a) { "use strict"; function b(b) { return this.each(function() { var d = a(this) , e ="bs.affix") , f = "object" == typeof b && b; e ||"bs.affix", e = new c(this,f)), "string" == typeof b && e[b]() }) } var c = function(b, d) { this.options = a.extend({}, c.DEFAULTS, d), this.$target = a("", a.proxy(this.checkPosition, this)).on("", a.proxy(this.checkPositionWithEventLoop, this)), this.$element = a(b), this.affixed = null, this.unpin = null, this.pinnedOffset = null, this.checkPosition() }; c.VERSION = "3.3.4", c.RESET = "affix affix-top affix-bottom", c.DEFAULTS = { offset: 0, target: window }, c.prototype.getState = function(a, b, c, d) { var e = this.$target.scrollTop() , f = this.$element.offset() , g = this.$target.height(); if (null != c && "top" == this.affixed) return c > e ? "top" : !1; if ("bottom" == this.affixed) return null != c ? e + this.unpin <= ? !1 : "bottom" : a - d >= e + g ? !1 : "bottom"; var h = null == this.affixed , i = h ? e : , j = h ? g : b; return null != c && c >= e ? "top" : null != d && i + j >= a - d ? "bottom" : !1 } , c.prototype.getPinnedOffset = function() { if (this.pinnedOffset) return this.pinnedOffset; this.$element.removeClass(c.RESET).addClass("affix"); var a = this.$target.scrollTop() , b = this.$element.offset(); return this.pinnedOffset = - a } , c.prototype.checkPositionWithEventLoop = function() { setTimeout(a.proxy(this.checkPosition, this), 1) } , c.prototype.checkPosition = function() { if (this.$":visible")) { var b = this.$element.height() , d = this.options.offset , e = , f = d.bottom , g = a(document.body).height(); "object" != typeof d && (f = e = d), "function" == typeof e && (e =$element)), "function" == typeof f && (f = d.bottom(this.$element)); var h = this.getState(g, b, e, f); if (this.affixed != h) { null != this.unpin && this.$element.css("top", ""); var i = "affix" + (h ? "-" + h : "") , j = a.Event(i + ".bs.affix"); if (this.$element.trigger(j), j.isDefaultPrevented()) return; this.affixed = h, this.unpin = "bottom" == h ? this.getPinnedOffset() : null, this.$element.removeClass(c.RESET).addClass(i).trigger(i.replace("affix", "affixed") + ".bs.affix") } "bottom" == h && this.$element.offset({ top: g - b - f }) } } ; var d = a.fn.affix; a.fn.affix = b, a.fn.affix.Constructor = c, a.fn.affix.noConflict = function() { return a.fn.affix = d, this } , a(window).on("load", function() { a('[data-spy="affix"]').each(function() { var c = a(this) , d =; d.offset = d.offset || {}, null != d.offsetBottom && (d.offset.bottom = d.offsetBottom), null != d.offsetTop && ( = d.offsetTop),, d) }) }) }(jQuery);
Bước 3: Tạo nội dung cho slider
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